Please fill out a 2025 Membership Details Form prior to purchasing your membership.
Fill Out The 2025 Membership Form >
Using Your Membership before you receive your Membership Card:
Membership cards are processed in the spring and periodically throughout the summer & will be mailed to you.
If you would like to take advantage of your membership perks before you receive your membership card, please include the names applied to the membership in the "Special Instructions" box at checkout*, and use your purchase confirmation email as proof of membership.
*The names must be included in the "Special Instructions" box for the confirmation email to be used as proof of membership.
Individual Membership in the Society is open to anyone over the age of fourteen who subscribes to the objectives of the Society.
Family Membership includes 2 adults and up to 3 youth or children. Please send us an email to info@visitmemorylane.ca with all family member names that are included in your membership so we can put them on your membership cards.
Members receive the following benefits:
Ability to vote at all meetings of the Heritage Society
Free admission to The Heritage Village for the entire season (including most event days)
10% off Cookhouse Chow, Special Event Meals and Heritage Dinners
Discounted pricing on many evening events and Heritage Village branded merchandise (purchased in-store).