The Eastern Shore Families series of publications are the result of decades of research by Robert Kim Stevens. Mr. Stevens has made it his life’s hobby to research and assemble genealogies of families living along the Eastern Shore prior to the beginning of the twentieth century.
Sheet Harbour Area includes the localities of West Sheet Harbour, East River Sheet Harbour, West East River, Marinette, Malay Falls, Lochaber Mines, Sheet Harbour Passage, Sober Island and Hardwood Island
Families included in this volume are: Belmore, Bezanson, Bieswanger, Biggar, Blackie, Bradley, Brown, Brundige, Burgoyne, Butler, Cameron, Chisholm, Chittick, Cleveland, Coady, Coffin, Combs, Conroy, Cook, Cope, Corner, Creelman, Creighton, Cruickshank, Currie, Dean, Doherty, Drake, Duncan, Dunn, Dwyer, Farnell, Farris, Fisher, Flemming, Francis, Fraser, Frost, Gallagher, Gault, Geddes, Gourley, Graham, Grant, Graves, Greer, Griner, Hall, Harding, Harnish, Hart, Hartling, Helpard, Henry, Hill, Hoff, Hogan, Holden, Holman, Horton, Hudson, Hurd, Hyson, Jack, Jackson, Jeffrey, Johnson, Kelly, Kenney, Killian, King, Knight, Knox, Lambert, Lang, Lawlor, Lawson, Legge, Levy, Lindsay, Logan, Lowe, MacDonald, MacKintosh, MacMillan, Malay, Markie, Martin, McArthur, McCarthy, McCondachie, McDan, McInnes, McKeil, McKenzie, McLean, McLellan, McLeod, McMaster, McNeil, McPhail, McPhee, McPherson, McQueen, Metcalf, Miller, Munro, Murphy, Murray, Nelligan, Newall, O’Brien, Owen, Pace, Parker, Patterson, Paul, Pennie, Perry, Power, Purcell, Qullinan, Redmond, Rhyno, Richards, Robinson, Rood, Rose, Ross, Rumley, Russell, Rutledge, Sample, Scott, Sheehan, Simonson, Smith, Snyder, Spears, Spinney, Sterling,
Indexed: No
Page Count: 347 pages
Format: Soft Cover, Coil Binding (Also available as Digital Download)
A Note about the Eastern Shore Families Series:
Volumes in the Eastern Shore Families series are published in two formats. Some are completed volumes, with a village history and an all-name genealogical index. Others are genealogical notes, containing fully structured and edited genealogies, but may not have a village history or an index.
There are 14 volumes in total, each connected to a geographic area comprised of several communities.